Tom Kroessig is an Ambassador Field Director volunteer for Promise Keepers, serving Fayette and Coweta Counties and beyond. His mission is to be a resource for local Pastors and their men and to act as a liaison between them and the national Promise Keepers ministry. The goal of Promise Keepers is effective ministry to men.

Monday, January 19, 2009

MLK Day 2009: Have you been to the mountaintop?

Many Christians have had "mountaintop experiences," time with God that has the effect of changing their lives forever.

Today, as we celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., I want to invite you to use the following link to hear and/or read the "I've Been to the Mountaintop" speech that Dr. King gave in Memphis, TN on April 3, 1968. Dr. King was assassinated the following day.

I, personally, have been to the mountaintop of racial reconciliation and, for me, there is no going back, only forward. My prayer for all of us today is that God would get us alone with him on this issue and lead us toward unity in the local body of Christ.

In his speech, Dr King told the audience, "But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land!" Part of that Promise Land will be reached tomorrow when President -elect Barack Obama is sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. A possibility that most could only dare to dream about 40 years ago, is about to become reality.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

MLK Birthday Celebration

The Fayette County 2009 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration is Saturday, January 17th.

Here's the schedule of events:

Pre-Parade Breakfast Buffet ~ 9:30 - 10:30 AM
Lafayette Center Cafeteria (next door to the Joseph A. Sam's Auditorium)
COST: $5.00 (Cash or Check only)

Parade ~ 10:00 AM - 11 :45 AM

Commemorative Program ~ 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Joseph A. Sam's Auditorium

My thoughts:

I urge you to attend all or part of this celebration. These are historic times as November's election and next Tuesday's inauguration of President-elect Obama indicate. I've been told that there are 26 African-American pastors in Fayette county. I expect most of them, along with members of their congregations, to be there for Saturday's events. You can help build unity in the local body of Christ just by showing up. Believe me, your attendance will make a powerful statement. It will not mean that you agree with every thing that Dr. King and the NAACP ever did or said, but it will mean that you are willing to recognize and identify with the struggle of the people they represent. I have come to know many African-Americans in Fayette County as true brothers and sisters in Christ.

I strongly recommend that you "Google" Dr. King and learn more about him and what he really stood and worked for. In particular, search for his "I Have a Dream" speech and his "Letter From a Birmingham Jail."

Don't miss this opportunity! We are Building Biblical Bridges of Brotherhood!

DRESS WARMLY! Temperatures early Saturday morning may be in the single digits! It should "warm up" into the 30's by parade time. (I'm wearing my ski jacket and a wool cap!)