Tom Kroessig is an Ambassador Field Director volunteer for Promise Keepers, serving Fayette and Coweta Counties and beyond. His mission is to be a resource for local Pastors and their men and to act as a liaison between them and the national Promise Keepers ministry. The goal of Promise Keepers is effective ministry to men.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

FCCF to hold "5th Sunday" Celebration

The Fellowship of Christian Churches and Friends (FCCF) will hold its regular "Fifth Sunday" celebration on Sunday, January 31, 2010 at 2:30 PM at Flat Rock African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. The Senior Pastor at Flat Rock is Reverend Ed Johnson. The theme for the celebration is "Christians Fellowshipping in On Accord for Kingdom Building." The Guest Preacher will be Reverend Dale Foster, Pastor of Free Spirit Ministries ( in Fairburn, GA. Reverend Mike Stachura of Grace Evangelical Church is also on the program. (I personally have a small part in the program.)

The FCCF is "Building Biblical Bridges of Brotherhood" across racial and denominational lines. We are eager to have you join us in these efforts! We believe that the potential impact of Biblical unity on Atlanta's Southern Crescent is great. Come and see!

Flat Rock AME Church is located at 148 Old Chapel Lane, just off GA Hwy 54 near the postal distribution center.


For further in formation about the Fellowship of Christian Churches and Friends (FCCF), please contact FCCF President, Rev. Jerome Drakeford, Senior Pastor of Flint Ridge Baptist Church, at or 770-461-8742.

I am blessed to be a "friend" of the FCCF and you will be, also!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Subsequent FCCF Celebrations in 2010 will take place on May 30th (at Flint Ridge Baptist Church), on August 29th, and on October 31st, always at 2:30 PM. Details will be forthcoming.

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