Tom Kroessig is an Ambassador Field Director volunteer for Promise Keepers, serving Fayette and Coweta Counties and beyond. His mission is to be a resource for local Pastors and their men and to act as a liaison between them and the national Promise Keepers ministry. The goal of Promise Keepers is effective ministry to men.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

I'm kind of a fan of obscure holidays. I mean someone somewhere went to the trouble of making these days official somehow. March 21st is "International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination." (Established by the United Nations:

Personally, I think that EVERY day should be Elimination of Racial Discrimination Day. The Bible reveals God's position: EVERY person is precious to Him; Precious enough for Him to send His only Son, Jesus Christ, to save all who would receive Him from their sins.

Have you learned yet, as Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. taught to "judge a man by the content of his character, rather than the color of his skin"? If not, today is a perfect day to start.

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